
Would you pump and dump?

I took Diflucan for 10 days and it seemed to cause awful tummy trouble in all three of us. I still have thrush and was diagnosed with mastitis over the weekend. I am on 10 days of Keflex and 14 days of Diflucan. 

I'm considering pumping and dumping for the next two weeks because it was so awful the first time. My own stomach would gurgle all day long and you could hear and feel the girls' bellies doing the same thing. They had awful, man-sized farts that would wake them up throughout the night and they just seemed pretty uncomfortable, screaming even occasionally because of the gas. We use gripe water but it only seems to help a tiny bit. 

What would you do??  

ETA: also because they were up so much because of the gas, we were all exhausted and they were melting down all the time. It was pretty miserable for all of us... That's why I'm considering pumping and dumping.  

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